If you read this blog purely for cancer updates or awareness for other cancer you may want to leave this one out because I've got an anger inside of my and I need to get some things out!!
RIGHT... Where to start...
It's about people who have children and don't appreciate them.
This is not about young parents because the stigma along with young parents being the ones who are bad parents is false, in every way.
I know of women who are closer to 40 than 30 and they spend the majority of their time on facebook complaining about their children, MOST of these woman are complaining about the behavior of their children. Now obviously I'm not a parent yet and I have no idea what it's actually like to discipline a child but I know for damn sure complaining about it to facebook isn't doing a damn thing to help, if anything your 14 year old is going to see it and get more wound up, they will rebel, I know because I was 14 once.
Women who complain about stretchmarks when they're pregnant and how much weight they have put on during pregnancy, and it's not just once that they say about it, and it's the women who aren't doing a thing to try and shift the weight. Obviously, none of us know what goes on behind closed doors, that's a big thing especially with subjects like this and I am in nooooo position to say about posting a lot on social media, however, and excuse my francais here but...
A child is fucking blessing and the sooner you realise that the better.
Some women have the right to bare a child taken away from them, and YOU, who didn't even 'mean' to get pregnant in the first place (I put mean in '' because let's be honest we all know how babies are made and if you're doing it you know there's a chance, about time everyone sat up and fucking accepted that) are doing nothing but complaining about your infant for the world to see.
Children are hard work, they are, but you NEVER give up on your children, because let me tell you feeling like your parents don't care is the WORST feeling in the world, it is heart breaking, as a parent you are genetically programmed to forever be there for those small people who grow inside of you, YOU made the conscious decision to have this baby weather they're 5 or 45 if they need someone you should be first in fucking line to take their hand and take on the world together. Every day, 24 hours through hell and high water.
I have got myself so worked up over this and I could sit here and go on all night but I won't because it will be longer than my Leukaemia blog post.
I'm going to end this here but just know, if you're a parent and you're reading this, tell you children you love them, RIGHT NOW!!! Tell them how lucky you feel to of been able to have them, maybe tell them the story of how they were conceived, they don't need to details of the deed but if it's lovely, tell them! Tell him you will always be there for them... But here's the most important message of all-
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